I love this easy chart to not only highlight important foods and their medicinal properties for our bodies but also to highlight the principle in natural medicine (naturopathy) called Form and Function…notice how each of these foods fit like a key and lock with the body’s important organ functions? Read more

Looking to support our body for healing is one of our most important jobs; our body KNOWS how to do this, but often WE get in our own way! The body is an amazing vessel of “stuff” (that’s an understatement) so keeping the path clear is something we can do with help, guidance, and education! I just finished putting together a recommendation plan for a client, and I am so excited for them to get started! I know the benefits they will experience physically, mentally, and emotionally; what a great gift they are giving their body! Now its time to work with my herbs. Read more

Doing Spit Testing this week😊


This simple test gives us insight into potential candida (yeast) overgrowth in  your intestines that can lead to a SLEW of issues including but not limited to weight issues, anxiety, depression, sleep problems, skin problems, joint pain, brain fog, lack of motivation, food intolerances, bloating, gas, abdominal pain and stool issues…whew! Read more


Using tongue assessments is one part of my consult and data gathering process when helping those to bring their bodies and minds back into balance and function optimally. Read more

Working on a holistic protocol for a client medically diagnosed with gastroparesis, who has found no relief (and worsening of symptoms) from antibiotics and gastrointestinal motility enhancers from her GP. Her doctors claim her condition is idiopathic, but this condition often results from vagus nerve damage. The vagus nerve runs from the brain stem to the gut and when it paralyzes or loses its tone, the stomach does not digest and move food to the small intestine, which causes a host of issues and discomfort due to a lack of gastric emptying. Read more

Common symptoms during periods of “darker” weather or gloomy days include lack of energy, loss of motivation, cravings, sleep disturbances, and waves of melancholy. These feelings are temporary and individualized, but why is it that some people ARE BETTER AT PRODUCING BALANCED NEUROTRANSMITTERS? Read more

pH stands for Potential Hydrogen and measures the alkalinity or acidity that is present in your body. Both alkalinity and acidity affect how well your digestion system is working in the including how well you absorb and assimilate nutrients, along with eliminating toxins and wastes. pH is measured through urine and saliva. The urine represents the ability of your lower digestive system (small and large intestine) to process nutrients and waste, along with how long it takes (the transit time) and your saliva measures transit time through the mouth, esophagus and stomach. Read more

Doing a little testing today! hTMA (hair tissue mineral analysis) is quick, easy, and noninvasive. Your hair is an area where your body eliminates minerals and heavy metals. Hair analysis is preferred to blood test for minerals and metals because it represents the concentration in tissues, not just freely circulating; hair stores minerals over time, so a more accurate picture of chronic imbalances is presented. A test such as this reveals individual mineral levels, ratios of minerals to each other, and patterns of minerals deposited in the hair. Read more

Chamomile tea! Chamomile is a powerful nervine which relaxes the body, reduces tension and anxiety, and welcomes sleep. Read more