Doing a little testing today! hTMA (hair tissue mineral analysis) is quick, easy, and noninvasive. Your hair is an area where your body eliminates minerals and heavy metals. Hair analysis is preferred to blood test for minerals and metals because it represents the concentration in tissues, not just freely circulating; hair stores minerals over time, so a more accurate picture of chronic imbalances is presented. A test such as this reveals individual mineral levels, ratios of minerals to each other, and patterns of minerals deposited in the hair. Minerals are the body’s “spark plugs” of life and are related in all enzymatic activity. Too much or too little of certain minerals in tissues/organs can cause many dysfunctions in the body. A test such as this can provide important clues to so many health conditions, including: heavy metal toxicity, metabolic rate (fast/slow), adrenal fatigue, thyroid function, nervous system imbalances, protein synthesis, inflammation, energy levels, liver/kidney stress, carbohydrate tolerance/blood sugar issues….JUST TO NAME A FEW! A metabolic world is revealed that provides cues to your body’s intracellular activity and biochemistry!!

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